Huishang Bank Corp USD 5.50% Non-Cum Perp Offshore Pref Shs【04608】 業績・財務データ HKEX

Provide corporate banking, retail banking, and treasury operations which mainly encompass money market activities, investment and trading activities and transactions for customers in the PRC.

Huishang Bank Corp USD 5.50% Non-Cum Perp Offshore Pref Shs【04608】 業績・財務データ HKEX

Provide corporate banking, retail banking, and treasury operations which mainly encompass money market activities, investment and trading activities and transactions for customers in the PRC.

Huishang Bank Corp USD 5.50% Non-Cum Perp Offshore Pref Shsの営業キャッシュフローマージン推移

(単位:百万) 営業キャッシュフローマージン 前年比